
MatthewI’m a 21 year old freelance media professional, and this blog is all about my life in the industry!

My interest in media production has all stemmed from my blasé approach to choosing my A-levels some six years ago. Thankfully, one of my choices was Media Studies. After receiving full marks in my coursework for a ‘mockumentary’ me and my friends produced, I couldn’t believe that something so enjoyable could turn out to be my career. I was determined to make my way in to the television industry. Thus followed the best three years of my life. University.

In June, I graduated from the University of Huddersfield with an Upper Second Class BA(Hons) in Media and Television Production. Not only did my time at university teach me the skill-set and knowledge required to start a successful career, it also drilled home the importance of a strong work ethic.

With university reluctantly behind me, I have began working as a freelance camera operator/editor/runner/researcher/tea and coffee maker. I’ve enjoyed my time as a freelancer thus far, as it has allowed me to broaden my contacts, knowledge and ability in the field of television and video production.

I continue to write this blog as it helps me remember what I have been up to, acts as an online portfolio, and allows me to exercise my writing skills, a skill I consider to be a valuable tool and one I intend to continue to develop now that the essays are no longer needed every week!

I hope you enjoy my blog posts and the accompanying video every now and then!

6 Responses to “About”

  1. 1 Jenna

    HEY mateyy
    u got msn? i d appreciate it.
    by d way…. interesting blog =]

  2. 2 chris

    Hey, came across your blog by googling for ‘itv yorkshire’ on image search. Good luck with your degree, I went to Leeds Uni so I know the area well!

    • 3 Matthew Crumpton

      Hi Chris, thank you very much! I’ve been abandoning my blog recently, I really need to start updating what I’ve been up to! Yes I love Leeds, but it is nice to have some change when I’m living out at Huddersfield during term time.

      Did you do a media related course at Uni?

  3. 4 Carina

    hey wats your post code back in leeds ? i think i know you 😮

  4. 5 John

    hi i m 17 and i was hoping on taking media in uni.. was wondering though- what subjects do you need with it??
    please write back.
    good luck mate

    • 6 Matthew Crumpton

      Hi John. It depends which media course your wanting to take and at which university. Most media courses don’t require any specific A-levels, just as long as you have enough UCAS points.

      If you’re still not sure what certain universities want, try get in touch with the admissions tutor for the course your applying to, they’ll let you know exactly what is needed. Plus, it allows them to know who you are before other other students trying to get on the course! Good luck.

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