Posts Tagged ‘university’

An eventful May


The month of May couldn’t have been kinder to me. From good grades, great work experience and the amazing day that was May 8th, a lot of hard work seems to have paid off this month. Even the weather has been kind to us! Despite writing this blog on a dreary Saturday afternoon in Yorkshire… […]

Friday marked the final hand-in date for my university work, and with the exception of a two-hour exam in May, my time at university as a whole. The day was greeted with mixed emotions; relief, joy, pride, but somewhat unexpectedly, a sense of nervousness. For the past three years, the plan has been simple. Graduate. […]

I won’t lie, playing on the XBox 360 and watching television is my most common way to spend my free time, and although the latter could be deemed as research for my university degree, I think I’d be clutching at straws if I was to say I spend all of my spare time productively. However, […]

BBC Manchester


On the 1st of April, My course mates and I were lucky enough to visit Manchester’s BBC offices to pitch the idea of a quiz show, along with a taster tape we had made, to an executive producer from BBC Manchester Entertainment. Firstly, I would like to apologise for my lack of activity on here […]

For a television student, work experience is a crucial element in our education of the industry. Not only can you gain vital knowledge about the way television works, but you are able to build up a list of important contacts. As I mentioned in my previous post, the BBC have being holding numerous sessions at […]

BBC Sessions


Over the past five weeks, I have been lucky enough to attend four sessions held at the University of Huddersfield by important figures from the BBC. These sessions were presented to my course mates and I to help us understand what it takes to create a quiz show deemed worthy enough by commissioners to make […]

About me!


After being persuaded by my girlfriend to set up my own blog, I’ve finally joined wordpress! So, although I currently have no viewers to this page, I still think its best to start with who I am! I’m a 20 year-old student with a passion for television. I am originally from Leeds, but live in […]